Yurish logo

Lepa sela lepo gore

There is a road. Road that goes into past. Into dead end in one tunnel .

Yurish logo

Tunel kod Drekavca

Yurish logo

Lepa sela lepo gore

There is a road. Road that goes into past. Into dead end in one tunnel .

Yurish logo
Yurish logo

Lepa sela lepo gore

There is a road. Road that goes into past. Into dead end in one tunnel .

Lepa sela lepo gore

There is a road. Road that goes into past. Into dead end in one tunnel .


Yurish logo

We are using transmedial approach in speculating about potential futures that would make for a more just, imaginative and sustainable communities


How do we think, speak and act within the stories of change? How do we think, speak, act and create outside of the known systems of solidarity and philanthropy?Could these new languages, actions and visions lead to new expressions? And if so, is art the impetus, a tool or a pinnacle?Could we imagine that diversity is something that we had all along? Diversity is something we deliberately lost and now it’s time to live it anew.So next time we buy a movie ticket to yet another multiverse franchise, can we try to imagine issues which shape our lives as multiverses themselves?Let us interact with each other and these issues as multidimensional communities we are.
Could we?
We think we could and we think this could be a social, economic, cultural and emotional praxis of tomorrow.So we decided to Yurish.


Admir is a youth worker and map maker building worlds from time, space and emotions. He has a love affair with local supermarket’s organizing agendas and he is obsessed with shifting languages of chaos. He is Yurishe’s visual nanny.Edo is a conflict resolution educator who built Sende in two countries sharing a border. In active pursuit of systems of crossovers, intersections and borders, Edo is Yurish’s resident sensei of all matters trespassing.Andreja is a multidisciplinary producer in pursuit of new media expressions. Her father once left her an acorn at her night table and she was never the same again. Her work lives as a university curriculum, improved business plans of female entrepreneurs and as apartment buildings at Danube river bank.

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